It also seems that no programs have been affected by it so far by disabling that. Right now it is only disabled in mscofig as I am unable to find any way to uninstall it because it is not listed in "Programs and Features". I was wondering if there are programs out there that use the Codemeeter Runtime without needing a CM key. CodeMeter Runtime is an out-of-the-box package that you deliver along with your software. Very few people have even directly seen this pc.

In your Control Panel > uninstall Programs > it is listed as either Codemeter Runtime Kit or Wibu-Sysems. FB54385: CodeMeter Installer: macOS: On uninstalling of Runtime and SDK. If you do not use any such software, you can safely delete it. FB62417: CodeMeter License Server: WibuCmNET / CodeMeter.exe: There is no more. Or if you have installed 'demo' versions of such programs to check out its suitability, Codemeter will still be installed as part of the installation. Perhaps, in the past, someone borrowed your pc and installed a software that requires USB dongle keys. I use Dataton Watchout, and Codemeter looks for my Watchout USB key when I want to access Display computers running the fullscreen Display version of Watchout (for fullscreen multidisplay presentations like dome projections, panoramic presentations, etc). You are correct that it is a software licence that looks for a USB key in order to run a program.